about sama

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We believe we owe a duty of care towards our employees, our customers, our suppliers and the wider community. Our commitment to operating responsibly has and will continue to differentiate us from our competitors.  It has helped us to build our strong brand and, ultimately, it will help us to drive sales and to operate more efficiently.

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h1 class=”title”>People/a>/h1>
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We value our people as our most important asset.  To successfully grow our business, we need to develop and reward our people.

We try to maintain the highest quality standards and cGMP (current good manufacturing practices), technical training has always been a top priority across the Group.

h1 class=”title”>Health and safety/a>/h1>

Health and safety lie at the core of our business. We cannot operate successfully and deliver quality products without ensuring the health and wellbeing of our employees.

Communication of SAMA’s Health and Safety policy – to meet and, where possible, exceed all the labor laws and regulations with regards to workplace health and safety.

Our Health and Safety Policy is becoming more widely implemented across the group.

Promoting the health and safety of our employees is clearly aligned with our key business objective – to deliver better health to the markets we serve.Sponsoring symposium and conferences for doctors, we have helped to build a strong knowledge base in the Palestinian region.

h1 class=”title”>Community/a>/h1>

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Active and effective engagement with the community is an essential part of our CR strategy.

Of course, we are active in our communities throughout the year through a number of other initiatives, including providing funding for students in the fields of Technical Pharmacy and Applied Medical Sciences. The time, interest and funding that we provide to local students is a real indication of our ongoing commitment to the communities in which we work. Over the long-term, these efforts should also help to ensure that we can continue to attract well-trained employees in each of the markets in which we are operating.

Across the Palestinian region, SAMA volunteers also supported poor local communities, providing financial and practical assistance to those in need.

Across the Group, we continued through to give generously to local causes, donating medicines to NGOs and communities in crisis. Our employees also volunteered their time to many NGOs worldwide.
